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Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law. |
Conducts mediations in English and French. Subject Specialties: |
Professor of Law, Boston University
Butler Scholar in International Law.
Courses in international tax, finance, and arbitration
Arbitrator and mediator in ICC, AAA, CPR, LCIA, ICSID, UNCITRAL, IACAC, NASD and ad hoc proceedings, conducted in English and French. Subjects related to foreign investment, joint ventures, insurance, expropriation, acquisitions, construction, finance, licenses and distributorships.
NAFTA Chapter 14 Financial Services Roster
General Editor, Arbitration International
Vice President, London Court of International Arbitration
Law Practice, Paris: 1972-75 (Coudert); 1977-79 (Hughes Hubbard & Reed)
Fellow, Selwyn College, Cambridge: 1975-77
Professor of Law, Boston University: 1979-present
Counsel, Rope & Gray, Boston: 1990-2005
Director, Boston University Center for Banking and Financial Law Studies: 1990-93
Arbitrator, Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts in Switzerland: 1998-2002
Appeals Tribunal, International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims: 2001-06
Adjunct Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy: 1980-86
Visiting Professor, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva: 1983
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Université de Dijon: 1984
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong: 1990
Sir John Lubbock Lecturer, University of London: 1999
Freshfields Lecturer, University of London: 2002
Clayton Utz Lecturer, University of Sydney: 2004
Yale, B.A., 1969 (Paris, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, 1967-68)
Columbia, J.D., 1972 (Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar)
Cambridge, M.A. 1975
ADMITTED TO BAR Massachusetts (1972) and District of Columbia (1980)
With W. Laurence Craig & Jan Paulsson.
With W. Michael Reisman, W. Laurence Craig & Jan Paulsson.
With W. Laurence Craig & Jan Paulsson
INCOME TAX TREATY ARBITRATION (2004). With David R. Tillinghast.
Fiscal Jurisdiction and Accrual Basis Taxation: Lifting the Corporate Veil to Tax Foreign Company Profits, 78 COLUM. L. REV. 1609 (1978).
Le Nouveau Statut des Banques Etrangères aux Etats-Unis, 32 REV. INTERNATIONALE DROIT COMPARE 75 (1980).
Judicial Supervision of Transnational Commercial Arbitration, 21 HARV. INT'L L. J. 87 (1980).
Tax Characterization of International Leases: The Contours of Ownership, 67 CORNELL L. REV. 103 (1981).
Legal Issues in the Third World's Economic Development, 61 B. U. L. REV. 1321 (1981).
Lex Loci Arbitri and International Commercial Arbitration, 32 INT'L & COMP.L.Q. 21 (1983); translated as El arbitraje comercial internacional y la lex loci arbitri, 2 REVISTA DE LA CORTE ESPANOLA DE ARBITRAJE 57 (1985).
Private Adjudicators and the Public Interest: The Expanding Scope of International Arbitration, 12 BROOKLYN J. INT'L L. 629 (1986).
National Legal Systems and Private Dispute Resolution, 82 AM. J. INT' L. 616 (1988)
National Law and Commercial Justice, 63 TULANE L. REV. 647 (1989); reprinted as Judicial Controls in the Arbitral Process, 5 ARB. INT'L 230 (1989).
Legal Policy Conflicts in International Banking, 50 OHIO STATE L. J. 1067 (1989).
When the Borrower and the Banker Are at Odds: Arbitration and International Finance, 65 TULANE L. REV. 1323 (1991).
Spiritual Energy and Secular Power, in RELIGION AND INTERNATIONAL LAW 171 (Mark Janis ed., 1991; revised for 2d ed. 1999).
L'Arbitrage et le recouvrement des prêts consentis à des débiteurs étrangers, 37 MCGILL L. J. 375 (1992).
Anonymous Bank Accounts: Narco-Dollars, Fiscal Fraud and Lawyers, 15 FORDHAM INT'L L. J. 652 (1992).
Finality and Fairness in Tax Arbitration, 11 (No. 2) J. INT'L ARB.19 (1994).
Particularités de l'arbitrage en matière bancaire et financière, 1994 SEMAINE JUDICIAIRE (Geneva) 621 (1994).
Illusion and Reality in International Forum Selection 30 TEXAS INT'L L. J. 135 (1995).
Neutrality, Predictability and Economic Cooperation, 12 (No. 4) J. INT'L ARB. 99 (1995).
L'Arbitrage en Matière Financière, 40 REV. JURISPRUDENCE COMMERCIALE 41 (1996).
The Arbitrability Dicta in First Options v. Kaplan: What Sort of Kompetenz-Kompetenz Has Crossed the Atlantic?, 12 ARB. INT'L 137 (1996), reprinted 11 INT'L ARB. REP. 28 (Oct. 1996); 3 REVISTA DE ARBITRAGEM E MEDIAÇÃO 142 (2006).
The Relative Reliability of Arbitration Agreements and Court Selection Clauses, in INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION: THE REGULATION OF FORUM SELECTION 3 (J. Goldsmith ed., 1997).
When and Why Arbitration Matters, in THE COMMERCIAL WAY TO JUSTICE 73 (G.M. Beresford Hartwell ed., 1997); reprinted in 13 INT’L ARB. REP. 14 (January 1998); adapted as Text and Context in International Dispute Resolution, 15 B.U. INT'L L. J. 191 (1997).
Determining Arbitral Jurisdiction: Allocation of Tasks Between Courts and Arbitrators, 8 AM. REV. INT'L ARB. 133 (1997); reprinted in [2000] ADR LAW J.19 (March 2000).
The Interaction of Courts and Arbitrators in England, 1 INT'L ARB. L. REV. 54 (1998), reprinted in 13 INT'L ARB. REP. 21 (June 1998).
Arbitration in Banking and Finance, 17 ANNUAL REV. BANKING LAW 213 (1998); reprinted in 1997 YEARBOOK INT’L FINANCIAL & ECONOMIC LAW (1999) 141. Adapted for BANKS AND REMEDIES 187 (2d Ed., William Blair, ed., 1999).
Bridging the Gap in Forum Selection: Harmonizing Arbitration and Court Selection Clauses, 8 TRANSNAT'L L. & CONTEMP. PROBLEMS 19 (1998).
Duty and Discretion in International Arbitration, 93 AM. J. INT'L LAW 805 (1999); reprinted in 15 INT'L ARB. REP. 28 (Jan. 2000); Japanese translation in 33 SEINAN GAKUIN L.REV. 71 (2001); reprinted 5 ICFAI J. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION 43 (April 2006).
Arbitration and the Fisc: NAFTA’s Tax Veto, 2 CHICAGO J. INT’L LAW 231 (2001); reprinted in 16 INT’L ARB. REP. 33 (May 2001); 2002 (No. 1) STOCKHOLM ARBITRATION REPORT 21 (2002). Adapted as Arbitration and Tax Measures in North America, in SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES IN TAX TREATY LAW 565 (M. Lang & M. Züger, eds., 2002); Expropriation and Taxation in the NAFTA, in NAFTA INVESTMENT LAW AND ARBITRATION 93 (T. Weiler, ed. 2004).
Arbitration’s Discontents: Of Elephants and Pornography, in FOUNDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW 258 (Ian Fletcher, Loukas Mistelis & Marise Cremona eds. 2001); reprinted in 17 ARB. INT’L 263 (2001) and 17 INT’L ARB. REP. 20 (Feb. 2002).
Why Courts Review Arbitral Awards, in RECHT DER INTERNATIONALEN WIRTSCHAFT UND STREITERLEDIGUNG IM 21. JAHRHUNDERT: LIBER AMICORUM KARL-HEINZ BÖCKSTIEGEL 595 (R. Briner, L. Y. Fortier, K.-P. Berger & J. Bredow, eds., 2001); reprinted in 16 INT’L ARB. REP. 27 (November 2001).
Income Tax Treaty Arbitration, 10 GEORGE MASON L. REV. 803 (2002); reprinted in 31 TAX MANAGEMENT INT’L J. 219 (2002); translated as L'arbitrato nei trattati sulle imposte sui redditi, RIVISTA DI DIRITTO TRIBUTARIO INTERNAZIONALE 3 (gennaio-dicembre 2003).
The New Face of Investment Arbitration, 28 YALE J. INT’L L. 365 (2003). With Guillermo Aguilar Alvarez. Reprinted 19 INT’L ARB. REP. 39 (January 2004); 5 INT’L ARB. Q. 25 (Spring 2004); 1 REVISTA DEL CIRCULO PERUANO DE ARBITRAJE 41 (2006), www.limaarbitration.net. Adapted from INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION: IMPORTANT CONTEMPORARY QUESTIONS 392 (ICCA Congress Series No. 11, A.J. van den Berg ed. 2003).
Amending the Federal Arbitration Act, 13 AM. REV. INT’L ARB. 75 (2002); adapted as The Specificity of International Arbitration: The Case for FAA Reform, 36 VANDERBILT J. TRANSNATIONAL L. 1241 (2003).
Arbitration’s Protean Nature: The Value of Rules and the Risks of Discretion (The 2002 Freshfields Lecture), 19 ARB. INT’L 279 (2003); reprinted in 19 INT’L ARB. REP. 30 (May 2004); 5 INT’L ARB. QUARTERLY 85 (Summer 2004); translated as Naturaleza cambiante del arbitraje: El valor de las reglas y los riesgos de la discrecionalidad, 2 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE ARBITRAJE 11 (ENERO-JUNIO 2005).
The Nature of Arbitral Authority: A Comment on Lesotho Highlands, 21 ARB. INT’L 483 (2005).
The Procedural Soft Law of International Arbitration, in PERVASIVE PROBLEMS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 141 (L. Mistelis & J. Lew, eds. 2006).
Treaty Obligations and National Law, 58 HASTINGS LAW REV. 251 (2006). With Alexander Yanos.
Jurisdiction to Determine Jurisdiction, forthcoming in ICCA Congress Series 13, Permanent Court of Arbitration (Hague)
Shorter Pieces & Book Reviews:
International Products Liability Litigation: Choosing the Applicable Law, 12 INT'L LAWYER. 845 (1978).
French Codification of a Legal Framework for International Commercial Arbitration, 13 GEORGETOWN J. L. & POL. INT'L BUS. 727 (1981).
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?, Foreword to FORUM LONDON (I.B.A., 1982).
The Binding Force of International Arbitral Awards, 23 VIRGINIA J. INT'L L. 253 (1983). With Jan Paulsson.
Book Review, COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION by Sir Michael Mustill and Stewart Boyd, 11 INT'L BUS. LAWYER 216 (1983).
Predestination and Swiss Arbitration Law, 2 B.U.INT'L L.J. 1 (1983). With Philippe Neyroud.
Arbitration of International Contract Disputes, 39 BUS. LAWYER 1783 (1984).
The Influence of National Legal Systems on International Arbitration, in RESOLVING TRANSNATIONAL DISPUTES THROUGH ARBITRATION 80 (T. Carbonneau ed., 1984).
Compelling Information from Foreign Corporations: Secrecy Laws and United States Economic Regulation, in INVESTMENTS IN UNITED STATES REAL ESTATE FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE 385 (R. Zäch ed., 1985).
Backup Withholding, Foreign Banks and Bearer Bonds, J. STRAT. INT'L TAX’N 161 (1985).
Tax Planning for Foreign Investment in American Real Estate, J. STRAT. INT'L TAX’N 247 (1985).
Arbitrage Commercial et Contrats Internationaux, 45 REVUE DU BARREAU 215 (1985). With Jan Paulsson.
Book Review, THE FRENCH LAW OF ARBITRATION by Jean Robert & Thomas Carbonneau, 2 ARB. INT'L 266 (1986). Co-authored with Laurent Lévy.
American Income Tax Aspects of Trans-Border Securities Investments, 4 B.U.INT'L L. J. 67 (1986).
Control Mechanisms in the Development of a Modern Lex Mercatoria, in LEX MERCATORIA AND ARBITRATION 143 (T. Carbonneau ed. 1990; revised 1998).
Book Review, GUIDE TO INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AND ARBITRATORS by Hans Smit& Vratislav Pechota, 85 AM. J. INT'L L. 586 (1991).
The Recognition of Foreign Arbitral Awards, in COUNSELING EMERGING COMPANIES IN GOING INTERNATIONAL 391 (ABA, Alan Gutterman ed., 1994).
Control Mechanisms in International Tax Arbitration, in RESOLUTION OF TAX TREATY CONFLICTS BY ARBITRATION 35 (G. Lindencrona ed., I.F.A. Congress Series, 1994).
The Raison d'Etre of International Arbitration, 1995 LOV OG RETT 641 (Oslo, 1995).
Fields and Gardens: The Why and Wherefore of Arbitration, WORLD AND I (April 1996) 317.
Book Review, CASES AND MATERIALS ON COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION by Thomas Carbonneau, in 7 AM. REV. INT'L ARB. 199 (1996).
Documentary Credit Dispute Resolution: The Role of Arbitrators and Experts, 12 INT'L ARB. REP. 15 (November 1997); adapted as The UCP in Court, DOCUMENTARY CREDITS INSIGHT 11 (International Chamber of Commerce, Winter 1997).
International Dispute Resolution, NAT'L L. J., 4 May 1998, C18.
In Memoriam -- Elizabeth B. Clark, 78 B.U. LAW REV. 242 (1998).
Introduction and Translation, The Art of Doubting and Believing by Sebastian Castellion, 54 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHRISTIAN 57 (1999).
The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, in HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION 519 (B. Barin ed., 1999).
Making Sense of Financial Arbitration/Comprendre les enjeux de l’arbitrage financier, in ARBITRATION, FINANCE AND INSURANCE 7 (ICC Court of Arbitration Bulletin, Special Supplement 2000).
Jurisdictional Issues in Financial Arbitration, in FESTSCHRIFT FÜR OTTO SANDROCK ZUM 70. GEBURTSTAG 745 (Klaus Peter Berger, Werner F. Ebke, Siegfried Elsing, Bernhard Grossfeld& Gunther Kühne, eds. 2000).
Book Review, LA COMPROMETTIBILITÀ PER ARBITRI: STUDIO DI DIRITTO ITALIANO E COMPARATO, by Aldo Berlinguer, in 16 INT’L ARB. REP. 19 (March 2001). With Luisa Arosio.
Complex Issues in International Arbitration, TEXAS LAWYER (4 November 2002, Section 5).
Investor Nations as Host States under NAFTA Chapter 11, in INVESTMENT TREATIES AND ARBITRATION 9 (Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler & Blaise Stucki, eds.), Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage, Special Series No. 19 (Zürich 2002).
The Contours of Arbitral Jurisdiction: Who Decides What?, 3 INT’L ARB. NEWS 2 (ABA, Summer 2003), reprinted in 18 INT’L ARB. REP. 21 (August 2003).
Arbitrability and American Securities Law, in ARBITRATION IN BANKING AND FINANCIAL MATTERS 81 (Gabrielle. Kaufmann-Kohler & Viviane Frossard, eds.), Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage, Special Series No. 20 (Geneva 2003).
International Commercial Dispute Resolution, 37 INT’L LAWYER 445 (2003). With Andrea Bjorklund & Jack Coe.
Irony in Intellectual Property Arbitration, 19 ARB. INT’L 451 (2003).
The International Currency of Arbitral Awards, in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LITIGATION AND ARBITRATION 519 (Vol. I, Practicing Law Institute, 2004).
Developments in International Commercial Dispute Resolution, 38 INT’L LAWYER 265 (2004). With Jack Coe, Mark Friedman, Dietmar Prager & Steven Smith.
Saving the FAA, 4 INT’L ARB. NEWS 10 (ABA, Summer 2004); reprinted 19 INT’L ARB. REP. 27 (Nov. 2004); 5 INT’L ARB. QUARTERLY LAW REV. 117 (Winter 2004).
NAFTA Challenges, in INVESTMENT TREATY LAW (F. Ortino, A. Sheppard & H. Warner, eds. 2006, Symposium of 7 May 2004, British Institute of International & Comparative Law).
The Gallic Influence on International Arbitration, in AMERICAN AND FRENCH LEGAL SYSTEMS: CONTRASTING APPROACHES TO GLOBAL BUSINESS 107 (J-M Burguburu, ed. 2005) (Proceedings of Paris Bar Association Conference, November 2004, Washington, D.C.)
The Good Arbitrator, 10 LCIA NEWS 28 (August 2005).
Private Disputes and the Public Good, 20 AM. U. INT’L L. REV. 903 (2005).
The Faith of Hosea Ballou, 60 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHRISTIAN 21 (2005).
Procedural Default Rules, in ARBITRATION INSIGHTS 331 (J. Lew & L. Mistels, eds. 2006).
American Law Institute
Fellow and Chartered Arbitrator, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators
Senior Adviser & Former Chair, ABA International Dispute Resolution Committee
Editorial Board, Oxford International Arbitration Series
Editorial Board, Transnational Dispute Management
Academic Council, Institute for Transnational Arbitration
Boston Correspondent, Institut d’arbitrage international
CPR Institute, Executive Committee
Justice of the Peace, Commonwealth of Massachusetts