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Partner, Lobo, Graham y Asociados S.C. |
Conducts mediations in Spanish and English. Subject Specialties: |
Born the 16th of December 1967, in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Married with 2 Children.
2001-2003 Degree: Master in Science on Alternative Dispute Resolution at Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. (U.A.N.L.) (Waiting to present thesis)
1988-1992 Professional: Graduate in Law School at Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. (U.A.N.L.), Professional Identification to Practice Law 1943244.
1986-1987 High School: Saint Mary's High School, Medford, Oregon, U.S.A.
International Certification in Neurolinguistic Programming with John Grinder. (Co-creator of the NLP). (1997)
2nd Generation of Arbitrators and Mediators of the Arbitral Permanent Commission of the National Chamber of Companies of Consultancy. (1997)
Certified Mediator for the National System of Public Security, National Program of Formation of Mediators in Queretaro, Mexico. (1999)
First Course of Technical Arbitration, imparted by the Federation of Professional Schools of the State of Nuevo Leon, at the U.A.N.L. (2000)
Training Courses in community mediation. (60 Hrs.) (2000)
Training Courses in family mediation. (60 Hrs. ) (2000)
Training on Negotiation, with Dr. James Sabinus, former Director at the Harvard Business School in Monterrey, Mexico (2001)
Seminar: “New Strategies of Negotiation”, with Dr. William Ury, Monterrey, Mexico. (2002)
Participant of the III World Mediation Forum. Cerdeña, Italy. (2000)
Congress member of the IV National Congress in Prevention of the Crime, with the topic “the Mediation in the Municipal Administration." (2000)
Coordinate the workshops in Family Mediation and Community Mediation for the Municipalities of Monterrey, Ciudad Guadalupe and San Pedro Garza Garcia, The General Attorney's Office of the State of Nuevo Leon, The Superior Tribunal of Justice in the State of Nuevo Leon and the Secretary of Education in the State of Nuevo Leon; imparted by Lic. Marinés Suares from Argentina and Dr. Armando Castanedo Abay from Cuba. (2001)
Instructor in Basic Training in mediation (40 Hrs.) for the Municipal Presidencies of Monterrey and Guadalupe City, Nuevo Leon. (2000-2001)
Participant of the I National Congress of Mediation, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. (2001)
Teaching Mediation in the Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey. (2001)
Consultant and creator for the development of the Municipal Mediation and Community Mediation of the Municipal Presidencies of Monterrey and Guadalupe City, Nuevo Leon. (2000-2002)
Founder and member of the editorial advice of the Latin American Magazine of Mediation and Arbitration, the 1st virtual magazine in Alternative Dispute Resolution in Mexico. www.med-arb.net. (2001)
Instructor on Conciliation of the Local Meeting of Conciliation and Arbitration of the State of Nuevo Leon. (Labor disputes). (2002)
Invited Instructor by The Mexican Institute of Mediation to train mediators for the Superior Tribunal of Puebla, with the topic: “From Conflict to Negotiation”. (2002).
Invited Lecturer for the Council of the Judicature and the Superior Tribunal of Justice of the State of Nuevo Leon, in the encounter of Judges and Magistrates with the topic of Mediation. (2002)
Instructor for the workshop: “Abilities and Tools for a Successful Conciliator”, for the State Delegation of the Federal Consumers Attorney. (2002)
Instructor of the course “Induction to the Mediation” to the secretaries of the tribunals and Superior courtrooms of the State of Nuevo Leon. (2002)
Consultant for the American Bar Association (ABA) for the project “Mediation in Mexico”, working with 18 different States, and coordinating the training team in the project. www.mediacionenmexico.org (2001-2006)
Instructor in the workshop: “Planning, Operating and Administration of Mediation Centers Programs into Court Systems” with the American Bar Association for the II and III National Mediation Congress in Mexico City and Monterrey. (2002-2003)
Founder and first President of the Mediators from Nuevo Leon Bar, first Bar in Mexico. (2002-2006)
Invited speaker to the 9th Annual Conference of the Texas-Mexico Bar Association, “ADR, Why Is So Important to You and Your Client?” (The Mexican overview of mediation), Monterrey, Mexico. (2002)
Consultant of the Superior Tribunal of Justice in the State of Nuevo Leon, on mediation. (2003)
Invited trainer for the 1st Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution, University of Guanajuato. (2003)
Speaker on the IV World Mediation Forum, with the topic: “Mediation in Mexico”. Delegated for Mexico at the World Mediation Forum. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (2003)
General Coordinator of the III National Mediation Congress, Monterrey, Mexico. (2003)
Panelist in the III National Mediation Congress, with the topic: “Alternative Dispute Resolutions in the Company”. (2003)
Coordinator of the first Certification: “High Performance to Conflict Resolution: Communication, Negotiation, Mediation and Consensus Building” in collaboration with Tec de Monterrey, The John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University, The Carter Center and The American Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Section. (February-August 2005).
Invited Lecturer in diverse Universities of the City like the ITESM, UANL, Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey, Cervantine University and Universidad Regiomontana, with the topic on Mediation.
Diverse courses, seminars and symposiums in law and public administration.
Member Founder of the AMPRAC (Mexican Association of Professionals in Alternative Resolution of Conflicts). (since 1999)
Member of the Bar of Lawyers from Nuevo Leon, Director of Mediation and Arbitration. (since 1999)
Member of the US-Mexico Bar Association (USMBA). Participate as chair from the Mexican side of the mediation committee. (since 1999)
Member of the committee editor's of the plan of studies of the Master in Alternative Dispute Resolution at the U.A.N.L. (1999)
Member of the commission for the legal reformation of the State, for the incorporation of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the laws of the State of Nuevo Leon. (2000-2004)
First Mediator to be certified by the State Supreme Court of Nuevo Leon (PSMCNL-001). (since 2005)
2002-present Founder and Senior Partner at Lobo & Graham law firm.
2000-present Consultant in Mediation and Conflict Management.
2001-2006 External Consultant for The American Bar Association (ABA) in Mediation in Mexico.
1999-2000 Municipal Presidency of San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L.
Creator and Founder of the first Center of Municipal Mediation in Mexico.
1996-2000 Municipal Presidency of San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L.
Director of the municipal office related with the Secretary of External Affairs.
1994-1996 Municipal Presidency of San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L.
Urban control, SEDUE.
1993-1996 Practicing lawyer, independent law firm.
1991-1993 Practicing lawyer, Valdez and Associates, law firm.